Skin tumor on calf (SCC), to be closed with TopClosure®:
Substitute for Skin Graft; Donor site morbidity is eliminated;
Better quality wound coverage and scarring
Pre-Operative Skin Stretching- Facelift
A day before surgery:
A week following surgery:
99 years old: Aspirin and Clopidrogel Treatment
Snake Bite:

12 year-old male with a large congential mole. The TopClosure® TRS was applied non-invasively to stretch the skin incrementally during a two-week period; as a result, adequate stretching was achieved for excision and primary one-stage closure with minimal tension on wound edges.
Stretching the skin prior to surgery led to better wound healing and resulted in a narrow and less visible scar. Moreover, the use of the TopClosure® TRS reduces or eliminates the need for tension sutures to close the wound.
55 years old female with a wide 3x8 cm scar. The TopClosure® TRS was applied non-invasively to stretch the skin prior to surgery.
The systems were removed after two days

After surgery, two 8 mm systems were placed non-invasively to secure wound closure by relieving tension from the wound edges and distribute the stress more evenly. During this process, medical band-aids were used to prevent the distal ends of the plates from detaching. The whole treatment lasted about 3 weeks, and the final result was a relatively narrow fine scar.

After surgery, the systems positioned reduced the tension around the wound edges and allowed faster and more gradual healing of the incision.
The use of TopClosure® TRS enabled formation of a narrow scar out of a wide, large initial scar.
an 81 year-old male presented with expanding hematoma following insertion of pacemaker. The TopClosure® TRS was applied non-invasively to secure wound margins and to apply topical pressure on the skin.

The primary closure of the wound by staples had been secured with two 8mm TopClosure® TRS. The positioning of the systems reduced the tension along the wound edges and distributed the stress more evenly. The systems were later replaced by a single 8mm TopClosure® TRS, positioned over a bandage.
The application of the TopClosure® TRS prevented wound margins from stretching and as a result, the final scar was narrowed. By using the TopClosure® TRS, the wound healing outcome was improved.
The TopClosure® TRS is the ideal solution in caring for pacemaker pocket hematoma. TopClosure® TRS reduces the tension on the suture line well minimizing the likelihood of dehiscence and infection at the site of the pacemaker. After recognition of hematoma, the TopClosure® TRS can be applied non-invasively both at the bedside and office well still allowing full ambulation.
a 33 year-old woman following aesthetics surgery. The TopClosure® TRS was following an abdomino-plastic surgery to secure wound closure by reducing tension on the suture line.
2 sets of 8 mm TopClosure® TRS were applied on both sides of the midline, applying mild pull on the strap to eliminate tension on the suture line.

The systems reduce tension along the scar margins avoiding local ischemia and dehiscence and contribute to the aesthetics of the scar.